
For its last stop, Team Red went to the geographical centre of Europe: the city of Grodno! The ambassadors discovered
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Emotions ran high as we arrived at our last stop in Mannheim- after almost a month of traveling, each day
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The Saxony capital, Dresden, is a beautiful city with an architecturally stunning city core and artsy atmosphere. With a heavy
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View of Saint Petersburg from Isaac's Cathedral
After a nice night in the train coming from Moscow, Team Red arrived on the 15th April in the city
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Team Purple’s time in Utrecht was straight out of a magical realist setting, as we were at what is known
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Moscow view from TSUM
Team Red arrived in Moscow on the 11th April super excited to finally discover the famous capital city! The ambassadors
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The city of Köln was a great spot to catch our breath and look back at our month of travels.
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ArrivalIn the morning, we had a short train ride from Leiden to Tilburg. Upon arrival, we were picked up from
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The country of beer and chocolate- how could it not be amazing? The seventh stop for Team Purple was Brussels,
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Everyone has always wanted to say once in life ‘Hola Barcelona’, standing in the middle of the city and watch
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