#PurpleRoute – Sofia Local Stop

Sofia – finally a stop for more than two days in one place, so the best time to … get sick.

We had a sunny, but very sleepy first day since we arrived at 5:30 in the morning and didn’t get to sleep at all on the bus. We strolled through the city with our hosts and saw some of the pearls of the city until we could finally check in the hostel to catch up on some sleep.

In the evening we went to a fancy bar and got the chance to see the city in the dark while all the beautiful buildings were enlightened – the cathedral, the russian church and the government buildings.

The next day we delivered the workshop about Gender Equality after the pandemic, in which our participants learned about what is called the shadow pandemic, how the pandemic affected Gender based violence, but especially how it supported Gender Inequalities. They also shared about the situation in Bulgaria, which was interesting for us to see.

AEGEE- Sofia invited a local NGO to share about their work to fight Gender based violence. Sadly the presentation and discussion were in Bulgarian, so we could rarely participate.

After that my bed was calling to cure my fever, while Elia and Omnia visited the Natural History Museum, where they learned about a lot of animals in Bulgaria.

The night we spent with the local organisers.

The next day we only stayed in the hostel to get rest and hopefully better soon. In the evening we managed to deliver a fun workshop about Safe Space, where we again learned, that discrimination happens on so many levels, what makes it hard to create a safe space for everyone. Anyway, our participants were awesome and it was interesting to hear about their experiences.

The last night we spent with the AEGEE local and got to know a lot of inpiring people.

Before we had to head to the station to take our bus to Nis we got to spent some time with Radost from the Project Team. We enjoyed the sun, had delicious tea and soups and got ready for the next stop in Serbia!